Admiring Järva county

We invite you to explore Järva county – these are the stories of some of our special places and our inspiring people.

Paide vanalinn

For people elsewhere in Estonia, Paide is most often associated with the annual opinion festival which takes pace each year in August and brings the town alive, as well as the order castle where four Estonian chiefs were supposedly killed during prehistoric times. But this limestone town has many more exciting stories to tell – can you guess why Paide never got its own university, who was the world famous author whose grandfather worked in Paide as the local doctor for the better half of 19th century, in whose honour has the limestone symphony been created and how old is in fact the rampart tower of the order castle? Some of these stories you will discover walking along the streets of Paide and scanning QR codes found on several buildings in the Old Town. To hear the rest, we warmly recommend to take a guided tour and learn more details from the locals.

Matkarada Võlingi allikal

In just half an hour’s drive from Paide you’ll arrive in Norra, a magical place within the borders of Endla Nature Reserve. To reach the deepest springs in Estonia, take a hike along the forest path that has its beginning near the ruins of Norra manor. Will you be lucky enough to spot the tiny kingfisher? Would you rather check the depth of the spring or gently rub the healing plants that grow by the path? Does the bubbling spring rise above your knees and why should Norwegians take Norra personally? Local nature guides will be more than happy to show you the way and tell you more.


Eesti jalgrattamuuseum

Järva county is located in the heart of Estonia, so it is not a wonder to find out that here one can also find the crossing of the medieval roads. One could wonder, however, how one of the biggest bike collections in Northern Europe has found its way here. The Estonian Bicycle Museum currentl has 7 halls filled with 150 bikes and other rare artefacts, true finds for any history buff. The inspiring collector, creator and soul of the museum, Mr Valdo Praust, is keen not only to present his bikes but also to tell the history of Estonia by means of – yes, you guessed it, the bicycle.


There’s no I in the community, but there’s u and there’s unity. Within the past six years, a 150 year- old derelict house in Türi has fully represented the true meaning, the origin of the word community. It also represents the current societal values of sustainability and green living. What was meant to be demolished, has inspired, educated and motivated, introduced and encouraged thousands of people in Estonia and from abroad to fix things rather than to bin them. Through workshops, festivals and being the living example of the sustainable mindset in everything, Konna maja (Frog House) has become a must-visit place, not only because of its old stories, but the new one, telling itself daily through in-house businesses and artists, thriving and inspiring others. Read more… 

Come and explore the heart of Estonia – easy to reach, nice to stay.

Photos by Silver Köster.

The project „Admiring Järva county“ is carried out in cooperation with:           
